Year: 2019
Genre: 3D / the Action / 1st the Person / the Simulation / 2019
Developer: Creepy Jar
Publisher: Creepy Jar
Publication Type: RePack
Language: Russian / English | MULTI
Language: English
Tabletka: PLAZA
System requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
Video card: the GeForce the GTX 660, Radeon RX 460 or equivalent with 2 GB of video RAM
Free space on hard disk: 11.8 GB

Des--cription: GREEN HELL - is a simulator of survival in the open world, whose action takes place in an unknown corner of the Amazon jungle.
You were alone in the jungle without food or equipment. Your task - to survive and get to the people. But over time, the loneliness begins to increasingly put pressure not only on your body but also your mind - and your life turns into a battle for a war of attrition. How much you will be able to hold out alone against the unknown?
You do not get any help from the outside world. All that you have - the head and hands. You will have to go to learn survival techniques, build shelter, make tools and weapons for hunting and self-defense. In the jungle, your life is always at risk: at any time you can kill wild animals and tropical diseases. Moreover, even your psyche becomes the enemy: you have to fight with the pitfalls of his own mind and fears that are not worse fungi grow in moist dark jungle.
Features repack:
- It is based on the release of PLAZA
- Game Version 1.5.0
- Disabled shortcut to change the language on the desktop
- Installation time 2 minutes (depending on PC)
Repack by xatab

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กด ctrl F ค้นหา Russia แล้วลบทิ้ง พิมพ์ อังกฤษ แทนลงไป save
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